• Acknowledging the efforts of Kenya Neem Clinic in customer service.

    Best Practices Presidential Award to Kenya Neem Foundation

    Kenya Neem award ceremony

  • Chemotherapy Does Not Contribute to the Cure of Cancer 97% of the Time

    According to this 12 year study of 154,000 ADULTS.


    ** This interview, is a MUST SEE! WOW!

    In other words: chemotherapy kills an average 97% of cancer patients within 5 years.
    Here’s a source that explains the research and gives more of a perspective of what was looked at for this particular study (and what was left out of that study): Read here: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15630849 NOTE: The study focuses on the contribution of chemotherapy to survival and -not- about survival of patients having chemotherapy.

    By Austine on 08 June 2015