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  • Colic In Babies

    General Infomation

    Colic in Babies: Possible Causes, Remedies, and Tips

    Most babies go through periods when they seem to be abnormally fussy or they cry for no apparent reason, but true colic is a condition in which the baby cries for a long time no matter what the parent does. It can begin around three weeks after birth, but it usually stops when the child has reached the age of three to four months. It is rarely experienced by a baby older than six months.

    The cause of colic is believed to be discomfort due to indigestion and gas. An infant doubles in weight during the six months of life, and has to consume an enormous amount of food relative to his or her body weight to support the rapid growth. The sheer volume of food can cause indigestion. In addition, many infants swallow air during feeding, which can cause stomach upset.

    When the child experiences gas pain, it is likely to be the worst pain of his or her life. The child shows distress in an arched back, a tense tummy with knees pulled up to the chest, clenched fists, and flailing arms and legs, all in addition to what seems like unstoppable crying. Suspect colic if the baby has crying bouts that last for several hours at a time and that always happen at the same time of a day. The crying begins and ends abruptly, and the infant seems angry and struggles when held.

    Most of the traditional home remedies for colic are herbal. While all other remedies recommended here are given to the baby, breast –feeding mothers should take them as well. Be sure to note different dosages for mother and infant.

    Beneficial herbs
    1. Anise– a traditional colic remedy
    Form and dosage
    Tea bag- prepared with 1 cup of water .take 1 cup of water. Take 1 cup (mother) plus 1 tsp (baby) 3 times daily.

    2. Chamomile – a traditional colic remedy. The effects of chamomile are cumulative. Effective treatment can take as long as 3 weeks.
    Form and dosage
    Germany chamomile tea bag; prepared with 1 cup of water. Take 1 cup (mother)
    3. Fennel seeds– soothes colic .also eases lactation, flavours breast milk.
    Form and dosage
    Tea bag; prepared with 1 cup water. Take 1 cup (mother) plus 1 tsp (baby) 3 times daily

    5. Peppermint- stops cramping, diarrhoea and gas. Fights foodborne bacteria.
    Form and dosage
    Tea bag; prepared with 1 cup water. Take 1 cup (mother) plus 1 tsp(baby) 3 times daily.

    • If you are a nursing mother, you can use tinctures, which are stronger, instead of teas. Take ½ to 1 teaspoon of tincture in ¼ cup of water three times a day. Because tinctures contain alcohol, they should not be given to infants.

    • If a nursing child becomes colicky, simplify your diet so that you can keep track of his or her reactions when you eat certain foods even ‘perfect’ babies can be sensitive to the foods their nursing mothers eat. The most common offenders are caffeine, chocolate cumin, curries, melon, pickle, citrus fruits, salsas, and spicy foods. Also avoid gas-forming foods, such as beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, flaxseed, and green, red, or yellow peppers.

    • Promote growth of the ‘good’ bacteria that help the body digest food. If breast feeding, take ½ teaspoon of lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidus powder twice a day. A bottled infant should be given 1/8 teaspoon of powder dissolved in formula twice a day

    • Try different ways to soothe the baby; cuddling and rocking, a warm bath, or playing either soft music or a recording of a heartbeat (a sound the baby heard in the womb).

    • Drug treatment for colic are usually harsh. Relatively mild treatment is simethicone (mylicon drops), which breaks the surface of gas bubbles and relieves pain. If large gas bubbles causing a bloated tummy are the primary problem, this may be a workable treatment, but do not give a child simethicone without consulting his or her paediatrician, other drugs doctors give to colicky babies include antiflatulents, antispasmodic, and sedatives. These drugs sometimes give quick relief but, are too strong for continuous use.



    By Austine on 21 August 2019

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