• Presidential Award for outstanding contribution to humanitarian or community service projects.

    Acknowledging the efforts of Kenya Neem Clinic in customer service.

    Best Practices Presidential Award to Kenya Neem Foundation

    Kenya Neem award ceremony

  • Natural Remedy for Insect Stings and bites

    If you happen to get a bee or wasp sting, you should not panic. We are revealing to you a natural instant remedy for it. This remedy is very cheap and readily available in your kitchen. It is an Onion. It works instantly to neutralize the insect poison and prevent or heal the swelling.

    Slice raw onion and squeeze it on the site of the sting 2 times a day and you will be good to go.

    Onions contains the chemical known as syn-propanethial-S-oxide which neutralizes insect poisons instantly. Carry a piece of onion when traveling or camping.

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    By Austine on 09 March 2018