• Austine's blog

  • Kenya Neem award ceremony

    - Abdominal pain that's worse when stomach is empty.- Nausea
    - Gastritis - Loss of appetite. - Frequent burping.
    - Bloating - Unintentional weight loss.
    - Constipation - Acid reflux...

    The Tea will completely solve these health challenges in duration stipulated.
    1. Ovarian Cysts. = (2 MONTHS).
    3. Painful Menstrual Cramps.= (1 MONTH)
    4. Irregular periods = (1 MONTH)
    5. Hormonal Imbalance = (1 MONTH)
    6. Adenomyosis, = (3 MONTHS)
    7. Fertility...

    There is nothing as shameful as a man who cannot meet his manly obligations. i.e sexually satisfy his partner.

    If You have these symptoms, then this product is for you.

    - Weak erection
    - premature ejaculation
    - Loss of sexual interest

    Some of the factors that...

    Best Natural Herbal Skin care Jelly in Kenya

    You don't need a long list of skincare products for healthy, bright skin. A gentle touch of nature is enough to rejuvenate your skin. We are talking about Neem for face care.

    Neem is a medicinal plant having anti-inflammatory and healing...

  • How to Save a Choking Baby- Newest Advice from Doctors

    If you discover that your baby has problems with breathing, cough, crying or speak, it indicates that it might be gagging. In this situation the baby’s airways are partially obstructed which is causing the coughing and the hard breathing, but not completely impossible. But if the airways are completely blocked choking is occurring. In this situation the parents need to learn how to react quickly and efficient to set free the blocked airways which will save their baby’s life.

    By Austine on 28 May 2015

    Green Potatoes: Are Very Dangerous For Your Health, Strictly Avoid This!

    Potatoes are widely used as a primary ingredient in many cuisines. But, do you know about the green potatoes? They are green because of the high amount of chlorophyll. But we are sorry to disappoint you, that green potatoes are very dangerous for your health.
    Green Potato Are Very Dangerous For Health, Strictly Avoid This

    By Austine on 08 May 2015

    Muteta Soup, A Powerful Fever Reliever

    Muteta is a local tree called strychnos henningsii and belongs to the same class with boxwood, another febrifuge (medicine used to reduce fever) for long used as a substitute for quinine.

     A study carried out last year by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture say the tree is being over exploited for soup.
     Users believe it is good for their bones and help breakdown cholesterol after a fatty meal.

    By Austine on 13 April 2015

    Why Honey And Not Cough Syrup Is Best Remedy For Your Child

    Research doctors say it is the most effective in treating coughs related to common cold

    Local medical doctors now say they have evidence showing cough medicine for children are useless and if anything, honey preparations are much better. A team of research doctors at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi say they have diligently assessed children put on medicine, placebo or honey preparations, with the first two showing no benefit at all.

    By Austine on 08 April 2015

    The Secret Remedy For Sickle Cell in Yams

    https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgW7-Gduio7ComUkBDxhJFQSCDUWVpfZP2dV7Vo752XnIXXOrgdAYams, which most of us know as vikuu, are considered locally as breakfast delicacies especially in the village.

    By Austine on 30 March 2015

    20 Powerful Health Benefits Of Papaya

    Image result for papaya

    By Austine on 25 March 2015

    Alcohol And Your Kidneys

    Drinking alcohol can affect many parts of your body, including your kidneys. A little alcohol—one or two drinks now and then—usually has no serious effects. But drinking too much can harm your health. It can also worsen kidney disease.

    By Austine on 24 March 2015

    How Soft Drinks Detroy Your Health

    Soda is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, second only to water. Here in the Kenya, Kenyans guzzle 57 gallons of soda per person every year, as if it wasn’t full of sugary calories. But what’s happening inside the bodies of soda consumers with each sip?

    Soda Consumption Health Risks

    By Austine on 23 March 2015

    Slow Poison You Could Be Drinking Without Your Knowledge.

    As you relish that soft drink, energy boosters or even fruit flavored thirst-quenchers, you could be drinking slow poison without your knowledge. And this is so because many of us do not read warning messages at the bottom of the ingredient list, which is usually, given in barely readable print. If you see the words ‘contains aspartame’ or simply ‘contains phenylalanine’. That is a health warning.

    By Austine on 13 March 2015

    Blocked Fallopian Tubes Treatment Without Surgery In Kenya

    At Neem Foundation, we treat infertility very successfully by use of natural herbal Supplements. There is no need of doing Surgery or IVF. Our success rate is over 95% and our costs are 10 times cheaper as compared with Surgery or IVF.

    By Austine on 10 March 2015